Frequently Asked Questions

How do you view therapy?

I am drawn to helping people who have dealt with trauma and feel persistent isolation and sadness in their daily lives. Together, we can try to look at things a different way, and navigate a different path. Let's explore together, like astronauts! By gaining perspective, we can find opportunities for strength and agency in our everyday lives.

A metaphor I like to use is that we are in the woods together, and I am your companion. I am not there to judge or show you which way to go, but that doesn't mean once we get to know each other I can't challenge things or be active. (“We’ve been down that path a couple times before; should we try it again?”). I will adapt to what we talk about and what your needs are; it’s not “one size fits all”.

What kind of Therapy do you practice?

I was mostly trained psychoanalytically, which means that we talk about our past and present relationships to learn more about ourselves and what we are looking to change. In addition, I often utilize parts work and object relations in my practice (the idea that how we interact to certain things/figures in our life is relevant). It really all depends on the person. I try to be adaptable and think about what approach would work for that specific client. 

What is a first session like?

Mostly getting to know each other. It’s like any other relationship! In the first session, I will likely ask questions related to what brought you here and what is going on for you. Likely, this will involve talking about some of your history as well as any support figures in your life (family, friends, partners, etc.). All of this is relative; you control the gas and the brake in our sessions and are allowed to change course if you need to.

Schedule a Free Consultation Call

Click below to email me and schedule a free 15 minute consultation call, where we can talk about what might be going on, and what you are looking for in therapy.